There is a need for artists to get together and share their art and build a bond with people they respect. Each of us can add constructive direction to help each other to move forward toward their goals. We may just help you find direction.
Olivia Stude has agree to contribute to our critique. I admire Olivia’s skill in painting the figure and landscapes. She is currently receiving her masters in art at the Laguna School of Art.
I have been an art therapist for 40 years, with a Masters in Education and Art Therapy. This non-judgmental group will support creativity rather than criticize. I personally need a supportive art community and would like to help build one for artists who are creating without much support.
Lindy Robin works with me at ArtBoxCDM and paints in acrylics. She has also agreed to take part in our support group. As she says “she’s a struggling artist trying to figure life out”.
Colleen Bavaqua, a talented photographer has also agreed to come.
We will limit the size of the group, and will determine the size as we move forward.
Some members who may not be able to bring their art in, may email their art. We can view the art on our large screen TV at the ArtboxCDM.
Mostly, I think we will all enjoy seeing what our neighbors are working on and how we can support their efforts.